Repentance and Baptism

Acts 2:38 Then Peter said to them, Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ to remission of sins, Introduction:  Now that we know Jesus is our Lord. It requires that we start to obey Him. The first two steps that we can take in obedience...


Session objectives 1 To get the class to understand that repentance is part of the Christian lifestyle, something that happens daily in our lives and something we must do immediately. 2 To get the class to understand that true repentance always results in a...

Jesus is Lord

Act 2:36-41 Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly that God made this same Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Christ. Introduction: Most of us when we think of Jesus we think of His life here on earth. We think about the cross and the suffering He...

Jesus is our Savior

Opening scripture: John 3:17 For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. Introduction:  God is Holy God and must judge sin, but He is also a loving God and He doesn’t want anyone to die. Take a look...

Is Jesus 4 Real?

* Inorder to progress you will need to watch the entire video and complete the quiz questions * The quiz appears at the bottom of this page only after you have watched the whole video * Note – If you change to another page/browser or loose focus on the video the quiz...